Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting Up, Getting Out, and Getting Stuff Done!!!

Lots going on here. We just turned in a Project, even though we have many more due in the coming weeks. Right now I am taking a break from my drawing project to type some stuff up on the this guy. The weather is beautiful and people are out on the streets... Protesting!!! Today the Via di Trastevere was shutdown completely for several hours while people protested things about the government. Lots of people out protesting the cuts that are being made in Italy. The same thing happened in London over budget cuts and rises in tuition costs at Universities. There over 1 million people marched to protest. Not quite that many here, but America has done the same things and almost no one (except Wisconsinites) really seemed to do anything about it. That is maddening complacency! Iowa State may riot next week, but that is just because it is VEISHEA, not really for any other reasons.

Otherwise things are going well, and I am looking forward to the Roma Tre workshops on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Working with Italian students will be... Interesting to say the least... Here are some images from the last week in Rome, enjoy!!!

Pia's dog Lilly chilling in studio. She just hangs out and gets loved by students while Pia is working in studio.

Paul's masterpiece of American cooking... Chicken fried porkchops!

Protest in the street in front of the Education building

The fire show in Trastevere

Sunset on the Janiculum Hill

This street would be bustling if not for the protest in the way... It is nice to see green trees everywhere!

Venus statue in the Capitoline

The Gaul statue in Capitoline

Statue in the courtyard of the Capitoline 

The Forum from the Capitoline museum

Constantine's Colossus

This statue was kind of expensive due to the colored marble... The faun does look epic though.

Centaur the younger statue

Gorgeous day... Sam and I got nice photos of the thunderheads over the nearby Theater of Marcellus

Castor and Pollux at the Campidoglio

Rome in bloom

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